Week 1 Update


On to Day 3 now and I wanted to give a bit of an update, as I progress in my diet I will probably give weekly updates but as the initial few days are the toughest for most people I thought I would share how I am feeling and progressing on the diet.

Starting Weight: 9St 8

Weight Day 3: 9St 3

I cannot believe that I have lost 5 pounds in 3 days especially when I feel like I am eating more than I normally would.

Meals: Yesterday on Day 2 I didn’t feel the need to eat as much as normal. I was hungry when I woke so I had Greek Yogurt and Cream with seeds and nuts, this kept me full until lunch when I had a spinach filled omelette and an avocado salad. For dinner I had chicken breast wrapped in bacon with the nicest cream cheese sause I have ever had (I uploaded the recipe yesterday). After dinner I was craving sugar for the first time so I had a small amount of cream with lots of seeds and nuts which although wasn’t sweet it satisfied my craving. I wasn’t hungry all day and I felt great.

On Day 3 I wasn’t as hungry when I woke so I had scrambled egg with spinach, I wouldn’t normally eat spinach for breakfast but as I warmed it with the egg I didn’t really notice it so I will continue to do this in the future. For lunch I made turkey burgers (sans bread of course) with salad and dinner of chicken salad. I really felt great on Day 3 I had a lot of energy and wasn’t craving sugar at all. Hope it stays this way.

Chicken in Cheese Sauce


Wow this has to be the tastiest meal I have had in a long time I truly recommend it and the best part is it’s carb free and therefore guilt free!




Double Cream

Cheese (I used Cheddar)


Seasonal Veg


Wrap chicken breasts in bacon and place in an ovenproof dish. In a bowl mix half a cup of grated cheese and stir in half a cup of double cream. Add one clove of crushed garlic and stir well. Season with salt pepper and parsley then pour over the chicken. You can add in any vegetables that you like I added mushrooms, onions and tomatoes. Cover with aluminium foil and place in the oven for 25minutes. Remove foil and place back in the oven for a further 5-10 minutes.

I cannot tell you how much I loved this. I always used to avoid cream and cheese sauces and think of the calories but on this diet I do not need to worry.

Hello high fat!

Hello fellow LCHF dieters and welcome to my blog.

I’m Lindsay, I’m 30 years old and from the UK. I first read about LCHF diet when I was researching how to help with my overactive thyroid and a lot of people recommend  low carb living to me. I developed my blog as I have found it difficult to find recipes, especially in the UK so hopefully it can help other people out there to  start on their LCHF diet.

I started my diet in January 2013 weighing 9 St 8 so I will keep you updated with my weight, recipes and my experiences on the diet.

No Carb Pizza

Cauliflower Pizza

Being LCHF doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy pizza we just have to adapt it.

I have seen this cauliflower Pizza a few times on instagram and I was not expecting it to taste nice but I was pleasantly surprised and I really enjoyed it.

Base Ingredients:

Whole Cauliflower

Parmesan Cheese



Topping Ingredients:


Tomato Puree





Heat the oven at 190. Shred the whole head of a cauliflower with a cheese grater until it looks rice-like. To ensure the mixure is not too moist I dabbed it with kitchen roll. I then added 1 cup of grated parmesan  cheese, salt and pepper and lots of Italian herbs including basil and oregano (for me this added so much to the taste so don’t forget the herbs!). Roll the mixture into a ball and spread onto a baking tray to form your pizza base. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Remove from the oven and add toppings of your choice I made a tomato sauce from tinned tomatoes and a tiny amount of puree and added more herbs, then topped with veggies. Enjoy!

Let me know if you like this recipe.

LCHF Diet Day 1

Strictly speaking this was my third attempt at LCHF “day one”. I first tried to make the switch on Friday but by 5pm I was feeling very dizzy and so grabbed the first carb I could to overcome my sickness. Then on Saturday I did well all day but failed when I had some chocolate raisins in the cinema. I was starting to think I couldn’t do it but I engrossed myself in LCHF videos and information which gave me extra motivation and now I think I have cracked it.

I will break this blog into sections where I report what I eat and how I feel every week.

Food: I started the day with greek yogurt and double cream, lunch was a mushroom and chicken omelette and dinner was chicken breast with a creamy peppercorn sauce and lots of veggies. Snackwise i think I went a little overboard as I did not want to get hungry and crave carbs so I ate a lot including nuts, seeds, cheese and a boiled egg but I am glad I ate so much as it kept me on track all day. For anyone starting the diet I would recommend you plan ahead and have lots of protein and fats in the fridge.

Feelings: I feel great all day after the initial dizziness when switching to the diet that seems to have passed and I have a lot of energy and feel calm and content.